Our members are our history
Hands that hold the experience of a lifetime spent in the vineyards, cultivating the finest grapes, eyes that see the beauty of our hills, hearts filled with courage, strength and passion, to pay tribute to the land in the work carried out every day. Our members are the strength and soul of our co-operative.
Consulta giovani
Grow up together
With the help of our more expert members, we have decided to dedicate special attention to those who are younger. To do so, we have created Consulta Giovani, a permanent forum devoted to work and exchange, to grow together and learn, to tackle the new demands of the market and face up to change.
United once again, we are proud to look to the future to guarantee continuity between the generations and a better future for these hills, promoting biodiversity and diversifying production, to flank Dolcetto with other products and overcome new challenges on the international markets.